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Hairstyles for Different Face Shapes: The Ultimate Guide



Your face shape is an essential factor to consider when choosing a new hairstyle. A haircut that flatters your face shape can make all the difference in enhancing your features and highlighting your natural beauty. In this article, we’ll guide you through the best hairstyles for different face shapes, so you can find the perfect look for you.


Determining Your Face Shape

Before we dive into specific hairstyles, it's essential to determine your face shape. There are six common face shapes: round, oval, square, heart, diamond, and oblong. To determine your face shape, pull your hair back and measure the length and width of your face, then compare the measurements. Once you've identified your face shape, you can use this knowledge to choose hairstyles that will flatter your features.


Hairstyles for Round Faces

Round faces have soft, circular features with a width and length that are almost equal. To create the illusion of a longer face, hairstyles with volume and height at the crown are recommended. Long, layered hairstyles can also elongate the face, while side-swept bangs can draw attention to the eyes. Blunt, chin-length bobs and center parts can make the face appear wider.


Hairstyles for Square Faces

Square faces have strong, angular features with a width and length that are approximately equal. Hairstyles that soften the jawline are recommended for square faces. Soft waves and layers around the face can soften the angular features and create a more balanced look. Side-swept bangs or a middle part with long layers can also help to lengthen the face. Blunt bobs and straight, short hairstyles can emphasize the squareness of the face.


Hairstyles for Heart-Shaped Faces

Heart-shaped faces have a wide forehead and narrow chin, with cheekbones that are the widest part of the face. Hairstyles that draw attention away from the forehead and add volume at the jawline are recommended for heart-shaped faces. Side-swept bangs can help to balance the face, while a chin-length bob or layered haircut can create the illusion of a wider jawline. Hairstyles that add volume at the crown can make the forehead appear wider.


Hairstyles for Oval Faces

Oval faces are longer than they are wide, with a slightly rounded jawline and forehead. Oval faces are considered the most versatile face shape, as almost all hairstyles for different face shapes can work here! Hairstyles with layers, waves, and volume can add dimension to the face and highlight your best features. Hairstyles that add too much height at the crown can make the face appear longer.


Choosing the right hairstyles for different face shapes can make a significant difference in enhancing your natural features and boosting your confidence. By identifying your face shape and selecting a hairstyle that complements it, you can create a more balanced and flattering look. Whether you have a round, square, heart-shaped, or oval face, there are many hairstyles to choose from that can highlight your unique beauty. Experiment with different styles and have fun finding the perfect hairstyle for you! If you still need help figuring out what will work for you, you can book an appointment with Shear Magic today and we'll help you find a style you'll love!

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