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7 Tips on How to Style Hair for Summer


Summer is the perfect time to let loose and have fun, but when it comes to styling your hair, the heat and humidity can make it challenging to achieve your desired look. Whether you’re going to the beach, a backyard barbecue, or just out and about, you want to look and feel your best. Here are seven tips for styling your hair this summer with ease. Here are 7 tips on how to style hair for summer



Opt for Air Drying

Summer is all about simplicity, so why not take advantage of the warm weather by air drying your hair? Not only does air drying save time and effort, but it’s also better for your hair than using hot tools like hair dryers, flat irons, and curling wands. Plus, it gives you that effortless, beachy look that’s perfect for summer.

If you’re worried about your hair looking frizzy or flat, try using a leave-in conditioner or texturizing spray before air drying. These products will help enhance your natural texture and keep your hair looking fresh and bouncy.



Get Creative with Braids

Braids are a staple summer hairstyle that can take your look from basic to boho in just a few minutes. Whether you prefer a classic French braid or a trendy fishtail braid, there’s a braid style for every occasion. They’re perfect for keeping your hair off your face during hot and humid days, and they’re also a great way to add some texture and dimension to your hair.

To achieve a French braid, start by sectioning off the hair at the top of your head and separating it into three even sections. Take the section on the right side and cross it over the middle section. Then, take the section on the left side and cross it over the middle section. As you continue braiding, pick up additional hair from each side and incorporate it into the braid until you reach the nape of your neck. Finish off the braid with a regular braid, and secure it with an elastic band.

For a fishtail braid, start by separating your hair into two even sections. Take a small strand of hair from the outside of the left section and cross it over to the inside of the right section. Then, take a small strand of hair from the outside of the right section and cross it over to the inside of the left section. Continue this pattern until you reach the end of your hair, and secure the braid with an elastic band.



Experiment with Hair Accessories

Hair accessories are an easy and fun way to add some personality to your hairstyle this summer. From headbands and barrettes to scarves and bandanas, there’s an accessory for every occasion. They’re perfect for dressing up a simple ponytail or bun, and they’re also great for keeping your hair out of your face.

If you’re going to the beach, try tying a scarf around your head for a bohemian look. If you’re attending a summer wedding or event, opt for a sparkly barrette to add some glam to your hairstyle. The possibilities are endless, so don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different hair accessories.



Keep it Simple with a Low Ponytail

When it comes to summer hair, less is often more. A simple low ponytail is an effortless and chic hairstyle that’s perfect for any occasion. It keeps your hair off your face and neck, and it also gives you a sleek and polished look that’s perfect for summer.

To achieve a low ponytail, start by brushing your hair back and gathering it at the nape of your neck. Secure it with an elastic band. 


For any more tips and tricks to style your hair this summer, contact us!

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